New Starter
- The Brief
- The MemMail
A client in the health sector wanted a corporate gifting solution to onboard employees of acquired companies in an environmentally conscious and efficient manner. They wanted the solution to create an all-important, great first impression with their new colleagues and partners, without being slowed down by a lengthy procurement process. By their nature, the timing of acquisitions is difficult to predict and require a solution that would give a swift response to ensure the Welcome Packs arrive promptly after to the acquisition date. There was also the need to reinforce the brands environmental credentials, with the contents and shipping methods being as environmentally conscious as possible for the client.
Through careful sourcing, the MemMail team cuts the cost of the gifts included in the Welcome Packs, enabling the client to reach a greater number of colleagues in acquired companies than initially expected. Secure storage and shipping are managed from our UK and USA hubs to provide a responsive service and lower carbon footprint on each send. Environmental goals are also supported through environmentally friendly packaging, including fully recyclable cartons and shred, as well as a range of high-quality reusable items which would provide value to the recipient. Over the twelve-month period, the client quickly, cost-effectively, and creatively welcomed hundreds of new colleagues to the organisation.
Gifts: Branded bum bag made from recycled materials reusable thermal water bottle in Pantone™ brand colours.
Boxes sent
Enquire Today
If you want to start your own corporate gift campaign, contact us now and our team of experts will craft the right solution to deliver unforgettable results.